Glucose-Fructose aka High Fructose Corn Syrup

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Photo by Paul @ Flickr

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has received a lot of media attention and it is generally recognized by most people as something that should be avoided as much as possible (along with other forms of added sugars too!). However, when you pick up a package in a grocery store in Vancouver or any other cities in Canada, you will not see HFCS in the ingredient list. This is because HFCS is labelled as “glucose-fructose” in Canada!


HFCS or “glucose-fructose” is a common ingredient in processed foods such as soft drinks, sweetened fruit drinks, canned fruits, boxed desserts, flavoured yogurt, baked goods, breakfast cereals and even condiments.


The best way to avoid HFCS and other added sugars is to choose natural, wholesome foods as much as possible. Otherwise, be sure to compare products and be sure to choose the one with the least amount of added sugars before you make a purchase.


Author: Admin

Food fanatic + Nutrition nerd = Dietitian!

One thought on “Glucose-Fructose aka High Fructose Corn Syrup”

  1. Hi Stephanie, my name is Beth Nanson and I’m a student at UBC studying Food, Nutrition and Health, hoping to get into the Dietetics Major next year. I saw you on the dietitians of Canada website and I love what you do. I know job shadowing isn’t usually an option, but would it be possible for me to just meet you and ask a few questions.? This would only take 10 minutes of your time and I would definitely come to meet you wherever best for you. I’m hoping this will really help me decide whether this is the right career choice for me.
    Let me know 🙂

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